I woke up in Burra SA feeling really good and in no hurry this morning. I only had about 170ks to ride to Wilmington South Australia and didn’t have to be there until 1pm. Ironically I took it a bit too easy and ended up leaving without breakfast, never mind. On the way out of town I grabbed a photo of the Super Tenere at Burra’s historic mine site

There was a bit of rain here and there but the wind had thankfuly settled down from yesterday. I’ve not been in this area before either (at least while the sun was up) and frankly I was gobsmacked by it’s beauty, lush green hills, little old towns made of sandstone and lots of corners..wow! As I rode into Wilmington (again the first time in the daylight) a FarRider, Clint, turned in front of me and gave me a wave (g’day Clint) and a short time later we pulled up outside the pub.
Soon after other FarRiders arrived, introductions all around and I took the opportunity to grab a really good home made pie for breaky from the takeaway shop over the road and put a splash of fuel in the Super Tenere. After some more chatting and introductions (as a FarRider newbie it was my first proper opportunity to meet most of them) it was time to ride down Horrocks Pass to participate in a ceremony honouring FarRider #1, Davo, sadly killed in 2009. Davo clearly a great mate and well respected in the group.
After that a solo blast up Horrocks Pass on the Super Tenere, just checking out where the edges were with a stop at the Cairn near the top for a pic, waving at the guys as they headed up the hill back to the Pub.

Back at the pub I settled in and took the opportunity to get to know the FarRiders who hung around. A good afternoon and evening shared by all that were there, dinner at the pub was excellent and great value. During the evening I realised that I’d left my torch on my other bike and was wondering how I was going to pack it in the dark in the morning. One of the FarRiders, Tony K, offered me a small LED light, gratefully accepted, thanks again Tony. I found out that he was planning to leave at 2 and was heading back through Broken Hill so I stopped the Gin and Tonics and decided I might have a crack at leaving a few hours earlier than planned, but no promises made. However, I’d had enough to facilitate a sound sleep.
Reviewing the chat of the evening I certainly got the feeling that many FarRiders do long distance riding much easier than me! What a great day and evening adn I was grateful to everyone for making me welcome.