I woke up at 8am this morning, a huge sleep in for me. The motel had emptied out and it was time to eat, pack the Super Tenere and ride the short 400k's or so home. The weather was perfect and I was soon on my way.
I generally ride through Mendooran and Duneedoo in the dark, it was nice to see the towns open, even if there wasn't many people about.
Here's the Royal Hotel Duneedoo
I stopped at Merriwa Bakery for some comfort food. Here's the Super Tenere at Merriwa Bakery, Lamb and Mint Pie yum.
and back in very familiar territory meandered through Sandy Hollow, Denman, Jerrys Plains and onto the nightmare of the New Englnd Highway at Branxton back home through Maitland.
Nothing to exciting but a nice transport leg all the same. The end of a great three day ride though 3700ks or so.